OKX Boosts Ad Visibility for Select Currency Merchants with Featured Ads

Rebeca Moen   May 14, 2024 10:36  UTC 02:36

2 Min Read

OKX Introduces Featured Ads for Currency Traders

OKX, a leading digital trading platform, has launched a new feature aimed at enhancing the visibility of advertisements for selected currency merchants. The feature, dubbed 'featured ads', offers premium placement at the top of the marketplace for merchants dealing in UAH, BYN, KZT, AMD, GEL, TJS, KGS, or MDL currencies.

Ads that receive the 'featured' status come with a special badge to attract more potential buyers and increase traffic. Each week, one winner per currency (total of 8 per week) will be selected based on their trading statistics from the previous 30 days. The winning ad will then be pinned at the top of the P2P marketplace for three days.

Boosting Ad Visibility and Credibility

The primary goal of the 'featured ads' feature is to maximize ad visibility and credibility, and subsequently attract more potential buyers. The more distinct traders a merchant trades with, the higher the chances of winning. Winners are notified via email 24 hours before their ad receives the exclusive 'Featured ad' badge. The campaign period runs from May 13, 2024, 10:00 UTC to June 10, 2024, 10:00 UTC.

Eligibility and Rules of the Campaign

The campaign is open to all existing merchants trading UAH, BYN, KZT, AMD, GEL, TJS, KGS, MDL on OKX P2P. The account must be registered in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajilistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia, or Moldova, and received their Merchant status before April 1, 2024. Only USDT sell ads can get a featured ad badge. Traders must register by clicking the 'Join now' button on the landing page. Once joined, the button will change to 'Joined'.

Only merchants who completed at least 200 trades with a total value of 10,000 USDT or more within the last 30 days before joining the campaign are eligible to participate. Each week, 8 winners will get a featured ad badge for only one sell ad in a single local currency. If the merchant trades more than one currency on the P2P market, only the ad with the best-performing currency will be considered for the featured ads campaign.

The campaign is strictly subject to the terms and conditions set by OKX. Any participant found to be ineligible, prohibited, or disqualified for any reason may have their prizes, rewards, or gifts confiscated, withdrawn, or withheld at any time by OKX.

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