Digital Assets and Distributed Ledgers in Financial Services  

Registration Deadline: Feb 15, 2021 12:00 AM
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Digital Assets and Distributed Ledgers in Financial Services

16 – 17 February 2021

Free Virtual Event

DADL.fin is brought to you by the team behind FinTech Connect, who have witnessed the hype, the subsequent dip, and now the renaissance of Blockchain technology within the FS space first hand…

Blockchain is at a paradigm; digital assets are finally hitting a point of successful enterprise adoption and more regulators are beginning to open up and embrace DLT’s potential. This paradigm shift has taken place at the same time as real-world applications of successful DLT implementation increasingly

become the norm within the FS space and beyond. These innovations showcase how blockchain can be a central facet of the 4th industrial revolution.


This 2-day conference will look at the driving factors behind institutional blockchain adoption, whether the opportunities lie in tokenization, cross border payments, CBDC’s or settlement and clearance. Leveraging our established network of FS professionals, we will bring the global leaders who are driving this change under 1 virtual roof.



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